Category Archives: Funny Photo Friday

Funny faces…

I see my best friend from college and her husband and family once a year.

I learned during this year’s visit that most times they take serious photos, they also get to take a couple of funny faces shots. So for this week’s Funny Photo Friday, I present you with some of my favorite funny faces from our two weekends together.




(Big brother clearly isn’t in the mood to be silly. FYI, he’s the same little guy from the photo from last week’s Funny Photo Friday.)


Funny Photo Friday

Over at Blissfully Domestic there’s a new weekly blog carnival called Funny Photo Friday.

I like photos, funny AND Fridays. So I’m in.


This photo, taken at our wedding (I’m the one in white), has always CRACKED ME UP! The look on his face was brought on by a combination of too much excitement, too little sleep, and WAY too much sugar. I felt pretty much the same way. 🙂

Go over to Blissfully Domestic to participate and to learn how joining might win you a $20 gift certificate!