Category Archives: Blissfully Domestic

The secret to my success…

I have a new post up at Blissfully Domestic’s photo page. This post discusses the most important photo tip I know.

Several of you mentioned interest in how I photograph the moon. Look over there for a post on that subject in the coming weeks. Anything else? I’m looking for ideas. Please?

Weekly Winners: October 5-11

This was a week of sunsets and moon shots.

Wednesday night’s sunset.


Thursday night’s sunset, taken from virtually the same spot.


This was Friday’s sunset, taken at a local shopping center.


The moon about 6:20 on Thursday night… This is the shot I was trying to post for Sky Watch Friday… when I ended up posting my drawing of the moon instead. 🙂


…and about about six minutes later a few feet away from our house.


We briefly interrupt these moon shots for a couple of other beauties.

I found these flowers outside my office building on Friday. The leaves next to them will give you an idea how small the flowers are.


This “fluffball” was also asking to be photographed. This is what I was on my way to photograph when I saw the little flowers above.


Now, back to the moon.

This is my favorite photo of the week, taken about 30 minutes after sunset on Friday.


The uncropped version is here. I would have used the uncropped version usually, but I was proud of the detail I captured (especially considering that the camera wasn’t on a tripod), and the detail can’t be seen in the original. You can see some “little” craters near the bottom. Ahhhh…

Now, I have a question. Do you have anything in particular you’d like to see covered at Blissfully Domestic’s Photo Bliss section?

I’m asking for suggestions for two reasons:

  1. I often have trouble deciding what to write about.
  2. If you ask me something I don’t know the answer to, I’ll want to find out the answer, which is a “win” for both of us.

So let me know what you’d be interested in seeing at Photo Bliss, and I’ll see what I can come up with.

Oh, and next weekend I likely won’t do Weekly Winners. I’ll be in Nashville for BlissDom ’08. SQUEE!

I know Lotus, and Colleen, and Secret Agent Mama will be there. (Secret Agent Mama and her family are giving me a ride up there, as well as letting me spend the night in their home Friday night. Awwwww… I think the time I’ll get to spend with them is the thing I’m most excited about.) Who else is going? This will be my first trip to meet bloggy friends. I can’t wait.

And getting back on topic, now…

For more Weekly Winners, visit Sarcastic Mom.

Funny Photo Friday

Over at Blissfully Domestic there’s a new weekly blog carnival called Funny Photo Friday.

I like photos, funny AND Fridays. So I’m in.


This photo, taken at our wedding (I’m the one in white), has always CRACKED ME UP! The look on his face was brought on by a combination of too much excitement, too little sleep, and WAY too much sugar. I felt pretty much the same way. 🙂

Go over to Blissfully Domestic to participate and to learn how joining might win you a $20 gift certificate!

Talking like a pirate…

O.k., today is Talk Like a Pirate Day. I’m not good at pirate speak, but there’s a translator that may come in handy. (If you arrrrrr like me, you prefer listening to others talk like a pirate to talking like one yoarrrrrrself. Ahem.)

For instance, “I’m glad it’s Friday,” translated into Pirate, is “I be glad ’tis Friday.”

And, “I have another post at Blissfully Domestic” is “I be havin’ another post at Blissfully Domestic.

Go take a look, will you? You’ll get to see some of Ed’s photography. He likes to take pictures of ME taking pictures, which came in quite handy in this instance.

And when you’re done over thearrrrrrrre, come back ovearrrrrr here. Arrrrrrr maybe not. 🙂

I’m Blissfully Domestic!

Well, maybe I’M not blissfully domestic, but you can find me there. 🙂

A few weeks ago, I was asked to become a contributing author for the photography channel of Blissfully Domestic. I am so excited about it!

The site has relaunched, and I hope you’ll check it out: Blissfully Domestic.

Check out the photography channel, which is here: Photo Bliss. Today, you’ll find an introduction to what’s in store for the channel as well as an introduction to all of us who will be contributing.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Edited on 9/3/08 to add: there have been a few problems with the site. Thanks for “hanging in” while they work out the kinks. 🙂