Category Archives: Tricia

Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth need your prayers…

(Photo from Confessions of a CF Husband)

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged about the Lawrenson family.

In case you don’t know the Lawrenson’s story, Tricia has cystic fibrosis. Last September, Tricia found out they were expecting their first baby. This news came RIGHT before they were to head to Durham, North Carolina, for Tricia to begin the process to be put on the list for the double lung transplant she needed to save her life. In January, Tricia delivered a baby girl more than 3 1/2 months before her daughter’s due date. Gwyneth Rose will be nine months old on Wednesday and is doing well.

In early April, Tricia received a double lung transplant and was released from the hospital less than three weeks later. In mid-May, Gwyneth was released from the hospital. At the end of May, they returned to their home on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Around that time, they found out that Tricia has a form of cancer common in transplant patients. The cancer happens to be in her lungs, but is NOT something that could have been in the lungs she received. If I understand correctly, this particular cancer just happened to land in her lungs. She underwent one round of “milder” chemotherapy, which wasn’t successful. Then she went onto the REALLY strong stuff for several more treatments.

They were supposed to travel back to Durham today for some follow-ups for both Tricia and Gwyneth, including test to see how Tricia’s cancer responded to the chemo. They’re headed back to Durham today, but Tricia is really sick… She’s suffering from some sort of sinus problems, complete with drainage, which is causing her to cough up all “stuff.” Unfortunately, today she was having trouble breathing and was unable to cough up the yuck. They were headed straight to the hospital to see what was going on. Nate said it’s possible she would be admitted. I haven’t seen any updates from Nate since his earlyish morning post. Please pray for this sweet family.

You can check Nate’s blog, Confessions of a CF Husband, for the latest.

18 weeks and 2 days later…

Gwyneth is out of the hospital. WHOO HOO! 🙂

Here are a couple of pictures.

A note Nate posted today, thanking everyone at the NICU, is here.

And the post announcing Gwyneth’s birth on January 8, is here. The title, “I’m a Daddy!” got me choked up all over again.

She was born at 24 weeks, 4 or 5 days gestation — I can’t remember which. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks. The gestational age of “viability” is 24 weeks.

She’s come a LONG way.

She’s a week past 4 months old, but her age, adjusted for her due date, is three weeks. She weighs 4 pounds, 10 oz. They have lots of night feedings ahead of them.

Remember, Tricia is only six weeks post-double lung transplant. She’s still doing physical therapy, and still recovering.

So keep praying. And thanks for all the prayers so far. I KNOW they made a world of difference.

A fabulous week for Tricia and Gwyneth

I strongly encourage you to go to Nate’s blog and read the last week’s entries. Amazing, amazing, amazing. But here’s some of what’s happened…

Tricia’s had her new lungs for a week now, and everything is going well.

Gwyneth turned 3 months old on Tuesday. She is SO CUTE! She is a “bruiser” at 3 pounds and is now 14 inches long. If I recall correctly, she grew almost two inches in a week. She gained about nine ounces. She’s started getting some of her feeds with a bottle and is doing quite well with it. She is still receiving donated breast milk. (Tricia, for myriad medical reasons, is unable to nurse.) Hooray for breast milk banks.

Nate has taken some time away from the blog, with a few exceptions, to take care of his wife and baby. Nate’s dad has kept us up-to-date by posting daily on Nate’s blog and on his own blog from time to time. Thank you, Rick!

Also, Nate updated his “Fast Track” post today, which will catch you up on the whole story.

As always, check out the main page of Nate’s blog for the latest. And keep praying!

Life — it’s what matters

Haiku Friday

In a hospital —
Duke in North Carolina —
Tricia recovers.

Double-lung transplant
Wednesday night/Thursday morning.
Surgery success!

Cystic fibrosis
is no longer in her lungs:
a new lease on life.

Meet her husband Nate,
always by her side, pure love.
We all love him, too.

Miracle Gwyneth,
more than fifteen weeks early:
beyond doing well.

The road is still long,
But Mom’s come far already,
God’s hand in plain view.

Please offer up prayer.
All prayers and thoughts so helpful
on this long journey.

She could reject lungs,
but as some commenters said,
she will be home soon.

Nags Head or heaven —
One earthly, one with her God.
But home she will be.

We all pray for years
to watch Gwyneth become big,
to know her mommy.

We want years for Nate.
“Til death do us part” will come
too soon in best case.

This story moves me,
makes my “hardships” seem so small.
Perspective is good.

Life — it’s what matters.
Never take it for granted.
I will try not to.

Please visit their blog.
I promise you’ll be moved, too,
and forever changed.

Tricia update… surgery successful!


Photo by Nathan Lawrenson, taken yesterday, Tricia’s last day with CF lungs.

Tricia’s surgery was successful! Praise God!

I know Nate (and the rest of his and Tricia’s families) had a LONG night. He posted a few times overnight, including some great photos of Tricia yesterday… and of Nate and Gwyneth… and of Tricia and Gwyneth (also taken yesterday). Go over. Take a look. Leave a nice word or two for Nate. I know he’s appreciating all the support.

By the way… Yesterday? It was Nate’s birthday. New lungs for your wife: best birthday present EVER!